Coloured Balls
"Mere colour can speak to the soul in a thousand different ways". - Oscar Wilde
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Ramp Fun
Is there anything cuter than a baby carrying around a baby? Quickly transform your shawl into a side, back or front carrier for your little one to enjoy!

Colour Match
With some kiwi ingenuity the Play Shawl transforms into a set of stunning wings when needed!

Nest Games
Heading outdoors? Chuck your Shawl in and create a gorgeous tent like cubby nook to be enjoyed by all.

Perfect for boat play, the shawl becomes a beautiful sail on a windy day. All aboard!

Ball Run
What kid doesn't love classic peek-a-boo! Don't they just beam when you whip it off and act surprised they're there!

Balancing Act
Set the scene for your child/ren by laying the Shawl flat and adding some sea creatures!

Egg Carton
Such an easy material to knot and tie and shape into a glorious crown fit for a Queen or King.

This takes me back to Aladdin and the adventures that can take place as your child's imagination runs free.

My children love holding an end each and rocking their pretend babies back in forth while singing.

Ball Assortment
Like a toga party, this Shawl makes for the perfect Wrap dress or Roman style attire.

Scarf Wrap
Some loose parts on top of your Shawl act for some interesting entertainment!

Tube Fun
Shimmy your Shawl into a Nest shape , add some pretend eggs and lets the games begin!

Muffin Tray
Lay down the Shawl and set the scene for a summer time picnic anywhere, anytime!

Floor Chase
Run free. Let the wind catch this Shawl and watch your child feel empowered with their strength and imagination.

Rainbow Swirl
Clip the Shawl loosely to a door way and promote how to run through the shawl etc

On Display

Colour Theme
This one is so much fun! Wrap an adult in the Shawl and as the chil gets closer they spring hteir arms open and engolf the child etc. ask me about this.

Object Permeance

Trying an idea but need further help?
Our team are here to chat. Drop us a message using the Members Chat at the bottom right of this website and we'll get back to you asap!

Your child make take immediately to a play idea or not! If not, try again in the weeks to come! Re-offering a play opportunity is the key.
Setting the scene and leading by example often provides the child with a foundation to expand on. 5 minutes spent playing alongside your child could set the imagination off for their own independent play. Time spent playing with our tamariki is never wasted.